
Some of the strongest evidence for the reality of genuine UAP has come from the United States government, especially through Congress’s inclusion of several pieces of UAP-focused legislation in its defense spending bills (the National Defense Authorization Acts, or “NDAAs”) for 2022 and 2023. Extraordinary for their clear acknowledgment of transmedium vehicles unlikely to have been fashioned by human beings, these instances of legislation raise unprecedented issues for the US and all other national governments.

Foremost among these issues is the profound subversion of democracy that may have resulted from the blanket secrecy apparently placed over UAP by elements of the US government. As the UAP legislation for 2023 shows, some members of Congress take seriously the prospect that classified military and intelligence programs engaged in the tracking, retrieval, and reverse engineering of UAP vehicles exist but have not been properly reported to the Legislative Branch. The Sol Foundation believes that extreme secrecy about a matter so grave could have done untold damage to core aspects of American democracy, including its system of checks and balances, ethos of freedom of information and the press, and need for an educated citizenry. We are accordingly developing proposals for legislative oversight measures, executive branch classification reviews, and novel legal measures by which the deleterious effects of undue government secrecy might be ameliorated.

We also support the strengthening of whistleblower provisions (such as Presidential Policy Directive 19) that enable members of the intelligence community, the military, and other areas of government to communicate to Congress their knowledge of undisclosed UAP programs and associated fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct. Any basic facts about UAP already known in small pockets of American government ought to be shared with Congress and the American people, and current whistleblowers are taking extraordinary personal and professional risks to that end.

The problems UAP raise for governments are not confined to issues of secrecy and democracy, and touch everything from national and global security to international cooperation, to science and technology to climate change and energy solutions to space commerce and governance. Sol is planning a comprehensive suite of white papers on these and other topics.